The Pure Orange Expedition Journal - Floating Camera

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

I am 15 foot above the water line on a sandy beach, camped out under a rock overhang, almost a cave. The weather has been threatening. It rained around me this evening - good for the creeks. Water coming out of every creek and side stream - each one just a little - but in total plenty of water around.

For a change, there is no wind and I am sitting outside. I have a Ziploc candlelight going that the moths are loving - and then hating!

Did another good 40 clicks today - am well happy. Woke up this morning battling for motivation. Thanks to the river and its steady flow, motivation returned. Got stuck again two or three times on sand banks, but dragging back to the channel was never too far.

Boys fishing on the banks had groovy gum boots with chains on to rattle and dance with - must be cool at their age.

People around are still wearing blankets, although I am starting to see more westernised attire along the way. Kids still run and chase me (sometimes for a kilometre or more) or beckon for me to stop. If I had to stop for everyone, I would still be 100kms upriver! Feel awkward about this sometimes but I’ve also got to keep moving. A wave and a smile is normally enough.

I am impressed with my waterproof camera housing after its first swim - down the biggest rapid so far. Huge relief that the camera is fine - although my heart did stop a couple of times - but it floated beautifully. Looking forward to seeing the footage.

I was acting quite cool above the rapid - haha!!