The Senqu Orange Gariep Expedition Journal - Good Service

Saturday, 19 December 2009

The rear shocks are fucked for sure, confirmed by mechanic @ fitment centre in Kakamas. A quick call from Craig after having Charmaines´ out-the-oven green banana bread with a SweeT chilli tomato jam and cheese, to a guy he knows and they opened up the work-shop on a Saturday, Andre the mechanic revealed the cause to the bouncy rear. With all due respect to the shocks, we did give them a punishing work-out the last 6 weeks.

Bouncing down the road after spending the morning cleaning gear and re-packing the van we arrived at Kalahari Waters camp-site downriver of Keimoes. The screaming cicadas competed with the doof-doof beat of day campers. A few beers, a snooze, catching up on writing and slices of watermelon for the afternoon.

Strange emotions with processing the events of the last few days in the Gorge. Was a great combination of team-work, extra-ordinary visuals and boating at its primo that a day with-out soon after was of re-living and not living, a difficult comparison.

An experience that more boaters should have access to....

Rob Wilson