The Pure Orange Expedition Journal - That was full on !

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Sjoe! The nerves throughout the day were high strung, but also made me pretty focused. The river surprised me with the nature of its flow - I am always constantly alert to the sound of the river, to the direction of flow catching the few eddies. A couple of times I thought my heart was going to explode with adrenalin.

The first was a mini-gorge/falls I came across - scouted, and then ran. I almost went over about halfway down and then just avoided the rock, which I knew was my main obstacle, in the mid-section.

The other was the section to Die Punt campsite. I looked down through a long steep section: reeds on either side, no eddies, and the river cranking down towards a bridge. I could see that I could go under the bridge, but also that it was pretty steep on the far side. As I got closer, I could see at least thirty hornet nests hanging from the under side of the bridge. I would have to duck! Instant flash - swarming hornets through Class 5 water (no shit!).

The rest of the run was a blur of of reeds, rocks, sharp corners and spray. I remember exiting the run and yelling: ‘That was full on!’

Was I happy to see this campsite or what? Almost hugged the first person I saw.