The Driva Expedition Journal - Ishol to Liahjel, non stop rapids in the gorge.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

This is the best! I really enjoy this section of river. Fortunately i was done “popping the oars” the day before. With a solid rock the oarlocks were tightened and the oars stayed in place through drops and hydraulics. We were so lucky, the level was perfect with 2.33 on the Liahjel bridge. Gråura is a 13 km non stop section in a gorge, you actually can’t remember all the rapids! Rob and Scott had sweet lines through all the rapids, really good to be here with them. “I see the bottom!” and so we paddled, shot film, took photos, stretched the necks to see the next rapid, paddle... film... photo...and so the day went by. In the raft i was happy to have some weight in the front of the boat, because several passages are quiet narrow and don’t allow room to row.  We camped on a beach just before exiting the gorge and watched the footprints in the sand change color as the sun went down towards midnight.  

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