The Driva Expedition Journal - SNØHEIM

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Up at 10:00 am, after deciding the night before to let the weather move through. We got some info from the builders that it would be good weather moving in, the following day.

The day was spent with odd excursions out the cabin to get fresh air, take photos, and fetch water for cooking and coffee.

The cabin is awesome with a wood stove, which we have had going, since arriving the afternoon before, firewood is from a building they are renovating. Extensive work is taking place at Snøheim to renovate after a successful and controversial bid to get the area back into National Park control. The area has been used by the military for training since the 50´s.

Scott had a few attempts to fly his kite later in the afternoon, but the wind was too gusty and strong. Bare handed whilst helping the kite to fly, the freezing wind turned my hands into screaming ice-blocks in about 10min. Being outside in this weather, even though is mid-summer reminds me of how harsh the environment is up in the mountains of Norway.

An afternoon nap in the warm cabin was an experience not enjoyed in a while and woke up feeling good. The water level has risen with the last 2 days of rain, snow and sleet . The 3 of us are well rested and the extra water in the river bodes for getting on the water in a section which cannot be run often due to its size of being near to the source. We shall see ...

Rob Wilson