The Driva Expedition Journal - Tough day at the office

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Scott was brave getting up this morning, he had a tough night last night. Must have been something he ate that we did not, or picked up a 24hr bug. Poor guy was bent over a few times, his guts were screaming to get it out.

Through a few rapids on the commercial run to start up with and then mellow and floaty for a few hours, Scott taking a ride on the raft shooting photos and video to conserve energy.

In the early afternoon we came upon a rapid, which involved a scout. Steep walls, a drop with hole at the top requiring a boof and then a wide hole in the middle of the river. Ine got slowed down through the top drop and had a long surf in the second hole before being roped out by Scott, who got it all on film. Scott was up next and mistimed the boof and got a good 30sec working in the hole which was not letting him go. A short swim and easy retrieval of camera gear. The 3 of us were beat from the last 24 hours and decided to camp. Did not go far to find one.

After setting up camp we went on a fishing safari in the big pool in front of us.  A good laugh and chilling was just what we all needed, not much luck catching anything.

Later, 2 teens came down to the river to fish. 1 of them fishing with a ragged whipping style to his cast and dressed up in what looked like his dads handed down waders/fishing jacket managed to haul in four fish in a short space of time . His buddy was casting and reeling his spinner all over the eddy with the result of catching one rock. His fishing buddy had to come and coax the hook expertly from the depths.

We all have our eyes on the water level and the weather with the approach of Graura canyon, coming up soon.

Rob Wilson