Monday, 11 April 2011

Our first publishing project is currently in progress. 

Senqu Oranje Gariep . A River Travellers Guide to a Southern African River.

Published by: PLANET RIVER ®

Printing & Binding: aitotta

Text: Robert Wilson

Illustrations: Ine Skjørten Wilson

Photography: Rob Wilson & Ine Skjørten Wilson, Scott Martin & Elizabeth Wilson

Layout & Design: Theresa Wigley

Editor: Elizabeth Wilson

Maps & Cartography: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, South Africa

“Reproduced under Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 11526 dated 21 February 2011"


Have you ever worked as a guide on the Orange River. If the answer is yes, we would like to invite you to contribute to the Orange River Travellers Guide.

We are requiring images & photos to build a huge collage of past and present Orange River Guides.

The image or photo you send has to be taken on the Orange River of Southern Africa. Anywhere between the source and the sea.

The image can show you washing pots, slow cooking the 3rd nights lamb, surfing a wave, loading the bakkie, catching a fish, peeling potatoes, starting a fire, sipping on a brew, cruising the flats, blasting crystals in the fire, nappy running the rapids, falling out your boat at Sjambok, kayaking off a drop, anything, as long as it is on the Orange River.

Would preferably like to see your face in the photo.

There will be space for all images, old and new guides are all welcome.

Operators spread the word, this includes the bosses, ´cos you once/still were/are guides.

Send a full quality image to info@planetriver.com

with the guides name and photographers name for end credits.

Regards, Rob & Ine